Our Story
From the Owner
I come from a long line of pie bakers. About 50 years ago my great-grandmother had a successful pie shop in the small town of Bippus, Indiana. That legacy has continued since.
I started baking pies on my own at age 12. In 2012 I started selling pies and other treats at a roadside stand on the gravel road in front of our home. As a stay-at-home mom of 4 kids, I wanted to do something that would be flexible with their schedules.

The sugar cream pie, which is a secret family recipe created by my mother, was by far the biggest seller.
A little while after I started Rolling Pin Bakehouse, my mother opened her own road-side stand called The Pie Lady on 5. We enjoy collaborating and sharing pie ideas with each other.
In 2018 my husband had a brilliant idea to create a pie filling mix that would be simple & convenient for customers to make on their own. So, I got to work…
My husband built a great website for the bakery. Not too long after the site went live, I was contacted by Rick Sebak from PBS WQED Pittsburgh to be part of his upcoming documentary about pie places throughout the United States, titled “A Few Good Pie Places.” Our family had enjoyed many of his documentaries over the years, so I was honored to be a part of one! My mother is also featured in the documentary.

After spending over a year on research and development, I finally had created the perfect mix for customers to enjoy! It tastes exactly like the decadent, silky-smooth pie that customers enjoyed from the original roadside stand. New flavors are being added as the company grows.